Financial Aid
十大体育外围平台排名致力于建立一个强大的, vibrant, 参与社区是我们学校260多年来的基石.
为了欢迎不同社会经济背景的学生, we offer financial aid in the form of a tuition grant to families of admitted students who are not able to afford the full cost of tuition.
We invite you to learn more about financial aid at Germantown Academy and welcome your calls if you have any questions. Please call 267-405-7070 so that we may help you!
Requesting financial aid and developing a preliminary financial plan do not affect a student’s chance of being admitted.
- Germantown Academy believes strongly that advance planning is a very healthy approach to the admission and enrollment process and it allows families to enter the admission process with a clear picture of their options. 我们应申请人家庭的要求提供初步的经济援助会议.
Who is eligible for Financial Aid?
- 学前班到12年级的学生都可以获得经济援助. 对于学前班到五年级的学生,学费补助通常限制在 no more than ½ tuition. Families who are experiencing financial hardship in a particular year are welcome to discuss their specific circumstances with the Director of Admission, Enrollment and Financial Aid.
- GA致力于支持有经济需要的家庭, 我们不一定能满足所有合格候选人的全部需求.
Financial Aid Awards
- 家庭应在完成录取程序的同时完成经济援助程序, however we are unable to offer an official financial aid award until an offer of admission is made.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for the cost of an independent school education and for completing the admission and financial aid processes for their child(ren).
Financial Aid Details
GA is now using the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts.
要开始,请查看下面的财政援助过程. 该应用程序通常需要不到30分钟才能完成. Clarity应用程序也是移动友好的,所以你可以在任何地方完成它. 你也可以保存你的进度,并在任何时候返回. At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit, and you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. 只需使用应用程序中的下拉菜单选择这些学校.
Family Info Night Webinar Dates - All parents are invited to attend any of the following family information sessions to learn more about the Clarity application. Webinar recordings will be available.
Financial Aid FAQs
- Who can apply for financial aid?
- Does GA Offer Scholarships?
- Is Financial Aid a loan I have to pay back?
- Who makes decisions about financial aid? Will this information remain confidential?
- 在我必须签署入学合同之前,我是否知道我的助学金奖励?
- Do I have to apply for financial aid each year?
- Is there an appeal process for financial aid?